
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SMART Goals for 2010!

It’s a whole new year and you are looking ahead to what you want to accomplish this year. As your trainer, I need to get an idea of what you want to do and how I can best draw a map to assist you on that journey to your “holy grail” of fitness and wellness.

Take some uninterrupted quiet time to really work on this so 2010 is an awesome year of accomplishments and take you to new levels of optimum performance and fitness that can last a lifetime!

Use the SMART Method when setting resolutions and goals. This will clarify
where you want to go and what you need to measure to track yourself. "

"We can’t improve what we can’t measure."

Determine exactly what you want versus a vague idea

Examples: “I want to get in shape”-vague

“I want to lose 3 dress sizes and 15 pounds”-specific


Examples: “I’d like to get lean for my beach vacation coming up”

This doesn’t define lean. What do you consider lean?
“I want to weigh 200 pounds at 6-8% Body fat.” Right now
I’m at 12% weighing 213. Now there’s something we can track!
It is also important to track your goals.
We check in along the way to make sure you are on track to
achieve your goal.


Set yourself up for success. To say “I want to lose 40 pounds this month”  is not realistic, regardless of what some ads say.  Make goals so you have to work hard for them but not kill yourself and get discouraged or give up your life to hit them.


This goes hand in hand with A. If you are 5’ and weigh 200 pounds don’t set a goal of looking like a 19 year old supermodel or Arnold Scwartzenager. Stay away from the land of make believe that’s for people who watch Mr. Rogers.

T= Time Specific

Let’s face it, we work better and stay on track when facing a deadline. When I was bodybuilding I knew I had to get up on stage in Speedo-type posing trunks soon. That was motivation for me to stay on track with eating and training because I didn’t want to embarrass myself. I’m not saying run out and do a bodybuilding show but pick personal events such as reunions or trips to use as your deadlines. Good examples are: “I want to lose 30 pounds by Memorial Day weekend so I can wear a 2 piece and feel good about myself” Or maybe “I want to eliminate my back pain so I score in the no disability range on the pain scale by April 1 because that’s when golf league starts this year.”

Checkpoints/Short Term Goals

It’s important to have checkpoints along the way to keep you motivated. If you say “I need to lose 40 pounds by May” that’s a big number and a long time from now.

In addition to setting your final goal, set smaller goals such as “I need to lose 8 pounds each month. This will help you keep on track and gives you victories to celebrate along the way!

Make Your Goals Juicy!!!

As well as making SMART goals, it is important to add a little salsa to the mix and spice those babies up.

Which sounds better?

Example A: “I’d like to lose 20 pounds this year to feel better about myself”

Example B: “I’d like to discard 20 useless pounds so I’m a well oiled machine that
can kick some butt in tennis and at the same time dazzle my spouse
and turn heads in the room when we go out for dinner. This will
give me self confidence and energy to excel at my job and will
allow me to do active things that I couldn’t do before such as
hiking and snowboarding.” 

Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our mega cool holiday campaign to provide potable drinking water for a village!

1 in 8 peopl in this world do not have potable drinking water available to them so we want to do our small part to change that.!  We have teamed up with a cool organization called Charity Water that build wells in these places that can provide whole communities and villages with potable drinking water.

Check  out this video below where I get out of "Grinch mode" and actually wear a Santa hat. Beth Dean of Kaizen Fitness and I talk about our joint venture to raise $5,000 this holiday season in order to make this all happen.

Click the link below it to go to  our special charity website and help us provide drinking water for a village in Africa.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 4 most clueless people I've seen in the gym

Have you ever gone to the gym or local health club and been annoyed at the cluelessness of some of the other members there? I have seen some of the most idiotic and rude practices there.  These are people that probably hold down professional occupations but for some reason go brain dead when they arrive at the gym.

Anyway here are the top 5 of my biggest annoyances at the gym.

1.) The camper outer- This person usually has a newspaper or appears to be taking nap on the equipment. They seem oblivious to others wanting to use the equipment that they are on.  When you ask them to work in they tell you they have some insidious number of sets left like 10 and make it clear it isn't okay to work in with them in but laying on the equipment like a couch for an hour or so is.

2. The screamer- This is usually some meat head who is trying to feed his ego by yelling so everyone can watch him lift.  The funny thing is that when you really look at these guys lift their form is pretty lousy and many times they cheat.  I'm no psychologist but I think these guys must be filling some need for attention that they do not get elsewhere. Unfortunately for them most of that attention they get is negative and really they impress no one.

3. The robo-lifter-This guy usually has every strap, wrap and belt known to man on him. He spends an hour just getting on all his "gear".  I'm sorry but if you have to wrap and strap for every weight you are lifting guess what it's too much weight!!   Like the creamer thus guy is a poser he justs wants to look like he knows what he is doing but really he doesn't.

4. The player- This guy seems to focused on one thing and one thing only picking up women. He does a few sets of curls here and there but most of his time is spent talking to various females. Someone needs to tell him that this is not a singles bar. Sometimes this guy can become a camper outer as well if there is an attractive lady on the next piece of equipment.

5. The thief-This person can be male or female.   They will take over a piece of equipment that you are using even if you put your towel, workout book and engrave your name on it.   As soon as you turn your back your stuff is flung off so they can get their sets in. You probably would have let them work in had they asked but they don't ask they just swoop in and commandeer the equipment like pirates taking over a ship. 

Well, I don't like to be negative but I'm human there are things that bother me. I wish every health club and gym would make etiquette classes mandatory. Think of it this way. If you went golfing, would you talk loudly on your cellphone while someone was teeing off or would you budge in front of another foursome? No way. So there is no reason for anyone to behave this way in the gym.