
Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't use the F word!

One of the most frustrating things about being a personal trainer is watching people beat themselves up constantly. Many people think they have to be perfect or they are losers and they use the “F” word which is

FAILURE. I hear things like “Why do I fail so much” or “I’m such a failure at this.” The truth is you only fail when you give up. Goals are like target shooting. When you miss you aim better the next time and shoot again. If everything was easy we would be bored in life. Overcoming challenges is more rewarding than having something come too easy. It’s from those challenges we grow in character . Remember the old saying “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” That saying is so true. Ask anyone who has had a lot of success in life and they’ll tell you they also had a lot of “failures” before they hit it big. For example, Walt Disney went to he bank over 350 times before getting his business plan approved. What if he had given up? We’d be going to some big alligator farm in Florida instead of the awesome Disney resorts. My other point is we all can’t be good at everything . If we could all do everything ourselves we would have no need for businesses. Therefore our whole system would be obsolete. I often tell people if everyone was accountable and knowledgeable about exercise than I would be out of a job. Anyway, if you are struggling with something whether it’s exercise, weight loss, finances, or relationships, ask for help. Have someone design a plan for you and then execute it with pigheaded determination with the attitude that the “F” word is not an option!

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