
Thursday, July 22, 2010

One of my secrets to a great workout!

I've been working out a long time consistently. It's been 23 years since I first joined Priority Health And Fitness the neighborhood gym I grew up in.  I logged many hours in the gym training for football, bodybuilding, skiing etc.

How do I stay motivated?

Well, here is one of my big secrets...

Good music that pumps me up and gets me focused and motivated to get after it in gym.

Back in the 80s it was Heavy metal hair bands blaring out in Priority with all of us high schoolers lifting together.  In the 90s it was working out at the football weight room at Mankato with my teammates cranking up the Metallica and grunge music. it really set the mode.

I started working at Northwest Athletic Clubs which had elevator music so I switched to a walkman and made all kinds of work out tapes. Then it was a portable CD player and finally the greatest gift to music lovers.. The I-Pod!

Frequently I tell clients who are in a rut to download new songs make new mixes that correspond with the type of workout they are doing. It makes a huge difference.  If  I'm doing a long cardio it might be more latin music with a good rhythm like salsa or merengue.  However, if it's an intense weight day or mountain bike ride than it has to be heavy metal or hard core alternative music.

The point is that it is tough to get into the gym day in and day out. It's even harder to have consistently awesome workouts.  In order  to be successful in the long term you need to use every tool at your disposal that will help you.

Maybe you like sappy love songs or polka it doesn't matter as long as it gets you moving and motivated. So if you have an I-pod(buy one if you don't) create some killer playlists you can use and switch them often to avoid boredom. I promise you'll notice a difference in how hard you push yourself in your workouts.

Rock on!!


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