
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Make somebody’s day!

Posted By Yvonne Vanoort

“True generosity requires more of us than kindly impulse. Above all it requires imagination - the capacity to see people in all their perplexities and needs, and to know how to expend ourselves effectively for them.” - I.A.R. Wylie

I remember being in the parking lot at the grocery store when my kids were both little. It was winter, cold and windy and I was trying to put my groceries in the car quickly. Finally I got done unloading and was going to push the cart back to the corral when a lady took it from me and brought it back for me instead. She smiled at me and I was grateful for that simple act of kindness. That was years ago, and I still remember it.

There are many ways you can choose to make somebody’s day. It doesn’t take much of your time, if any at all, but it may brighten your neighbor’s glum day or make a boring workday that much better for the waitress/waiter who’s serving you.

Here are some examples I put together, but don’t let these suggestions limit your possibilities.

Speak up - Let somebody know that they did something well. Compliment them on their hair, their shoes, their kids.

Something unexpected - Pay for someone’s coffee or wash your neighbor’s car.

Listen - A co-worker is having a tough day, spend 10 minutes of your time to

to listen to what they have to say. I’m sure it will make for a much more productive day for them.

Bake and Share - Now this is one of my favorites, since I love to bake. Make a batch of cookies and bring them to work. Bring some banana bread over to the neighbors and put a smile on their face.

Write a snail mail letter - These days everything has to be about instant gratification: e-mails, texting, chatting, etc. Remember when people used to write letters with ink and send them in the mail? Pick up a pen and paper and write someone a snail mail letter.

Call without reason - Call a friend or family member without a reason. Catch up with them, ask about their lives, their kids, make their day.

Be goofy - When my kids are grumpy, I oftentimes start doing goofy things, pretend I don’t know any better, dance in the kitchen. It makes them laugh, and they forget whatever was bugging them before.

Say ‘thank you’ - Really one of the most simple gestures is to say “ Thank you”, may it be to the person holding the door open for you or the cashier at Target.

I know this post isn’t about the latest news on protein shakes or the hot new exercise of the week, which doesn’t mean that won’t be my topic next time, but about kindness. You don’t have to make it sappy, just simple. People live together, we cross paths, and we might as well make it worthwile.

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.”

-- Pooh Bear

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