
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Get rid of the parasites in your life!!

Recently one of my favorite clients was always negative and in pain. Every session it seemed like he complained about his job and the environment there.  Finally one day said "I have never heard you say one good thing about your job it's a toxic place."  He agreed and finally his wife said basically the same thing. He decided to quit and take another job with less pay. Even though his pay was going down he came in with a totally different attitude.  He was happy energetic and his pains weren't bothering him. 

You see we many times stay in these toxic situations because we are fear based. We accept them due to the fear of what will happen to us if we leave. "Will I be able to pay my bills" "will I ever find someone to love me?'   It could be a relationship or a job it doesn't matter.

I remember years ago I was dating this girl who was really cute and had a great body. Being a shallow 20 something I kept dating her even though every time I talked to her it made me tired and lethargic from her negativity. Finally something  happened where I couldn't take it anymore and I broke it off. The physical features were outweighed by her negative personality. Lesson learned.

Life here is too short. So quit complaining and take action. Now if you are married don't cut and run try counseling and most of all try looking at how you could be contributing to the problem. Marriages require work and many of us today are so busy working and running kids that we don't make time to work on our marriages. No wonder so many fail. Neglect kills anything.

My wife and I jointly decided to do some counseling last year. Not that we were on the verge of divorce but we knew we had some issues that needed to be resolved and it was important to us to deal with them before they became bigger and we were in crisis.

Are there people in your life who just need to be cut out or told flat out they are an energy sucker? The girl I mentioned above, I actually told I her she was a downer and my friends couldn't believe it. Now I did it in a respectful manner but how would she ever know if everyone around just tries to be "nice" and skirt the issue. It says in the bible "people appreciate frankness more than flatter' and it's true. They might get pissed initially but it will make them aware that they have an issue that is affecting others.

As for jobs, right now the economy has us all in fear mode but too often I see people complain with out doing something. You have no right to complain unless you are doing something active to change it. That might hit some nerves but it's true. It's no different than the people who tell me they can't lose weight and have tried everything as they shove chips into their mouth at the same time.

Update your resume. Start looking.  There are opportunities out there for those who wish to to do the work and look. Maybe it's time to do something different. Think out of the box.

Anyway to sum it up. True wellness is not just about eating right, exercising, and taking supplements. It is also about getting rid of things that rob your health and replacing them with healthy energizing ones. Remember that stress and negativity can rob you of your health just as much as junk food and inactivity.

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