
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Step It Up Part II-Metabolic Strength Training

Last week we talked about stepping out cardio activity to stimulate your metabolism using intervals. This week we are covering strength training.  The same concept can be applied here.

Typically strength training is one using free weights or machines targeting specific muscle groups while taking rest periods between sets. This might work for a bodybuilder but most people do not want to bodybuild.

What works is moving in circuits or groups of exercise with little or no rest trying to get the heart rate up and adding in intermittent rest periods. Also focus on exercises that involve the whole body and are compound exercises. These will burn more calories, move your body in a functional manner to improve functional strength, and you can hit more muscles in less time.

Here are some examples:

Squats vs. leg Extension
Lunge to bicep curl vs. seated machine bicep curl
Step up to overhead press vs. seated overhead press

Basically total body or compound movements that use multiple joints are better than exercises that use only 1 joint.  Here is a circuit I use with myself and clients. Do 2-3 circuits of each resting one minute between circuits.


Leg lift and crunch pike combo  15 reps
Alternating  turning sit ups on stability ball  10-15 reps each way
Side bend over stability ball or on edge of bench  15 reps each side

Squats any version 15 reps
Single leg squat  15 reps each leg
Stiff leg deadlift with dumbells  15 reps
Plyometric squat jumps 15 reps

Squat to row cable 15 reps
Kettlebell swing 15 reps
Reverse flyes with dumbells over stability balls 15 reps
Lateral walking with alternating dumbell curls 15 reps (go 7-8 reps and change directions)

Push ups  any version   15 reps
Standing cable or rubber tubing punch step forward and press with both arms(alternate legs)  8 reps each side

Step up to overhead dumbell press alternating legs  15 reps
Tricep Dips on bench  15 reps

This gives you an idea of what a n intense metabolic fat burning workout looks like. You can substitute exercises if you like based on injuries you may have and ability.  The take home point is work hard minimize rest and get that heart rate up. You should sweat more and feel more gassed after wards.  You might even fail on some sets that's okay push to the max because you will love the results.


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