
Thursday, June 9, 2011

My top three lame excuses for not getting it done.

Recently I've noticed how people like to complain about not liking the shape they are in or the way they look but when it comes to actually doing something about all they have are excuses. I'm sorry but excuses mean nothing to me. Don't cry and tell me how bad you feel about yourself and then turn around and go out for a night or drinking or decide to spend all your free time watching crappy reality TV when you could actually be doing something productive. Not that these things are totally bad but I see people spend countless hours at this and barely any working towards what they say is important to them.

As a friend of mine recently said in life there are whiner, weiners and winners. Which are you??

Yeah I know I'm going to get some kickback from this but sorry the truth hurts and some people need to hear it instead of that same old BS lines like "it's okay" or "try harder next time." Try to me implies I'm going to fail and okay implies mediocrity. If you want to be mediocre go ahead just don't bitch about it.

So to continue on my soapbox here are in my mind the top three lamest excuses for not getting it done. Notice I'm not talking just about exercise it can be applied to anything that takes work your relationships, your spirituality, or your profession.

#1- I just don't have time. This is the lamest of the lame. Who isn't busy. What you should really say is it isn't a priority. Be honest with yourself. If you are serious about improving something you make time. Whether it means getting up later in the morning or staying up later at night.  I know plenty of people who have a full time job, family and volunteer work but still manage to find time to get after a goal whether it be getting a degree or training for a marathon.

#2-________(fill in someone's name a spouse, kid) won't let me. Hello are you an adult?  You are ultimately in control of your discretionary time. People can only control you if you let them. Quit passing the buck to someone else and take responsibility. It starts with you and you only.

#3-I'll do it when ____happens.  Another favorite. Guess what _______ won't happen for awhile if at all. When in life will the stoplights all be green.  There will never be a perfect time. Opportunities to accomplish great things don't come around often so take them when they do.  My personal favorite is when people tell us trainers they will come see us when they lose 10 pounds. That's putting the cart before the horse.

Bonus lame excuse. It's too hard!  What in life that is worth it is easy. Having a good marriage is hard work, raising kids is hard work, getting or staying good shape is yes you guessed it hard work. If you don't work for it you don't appreciate it. Think of something you had to bust your butt for like getting an  grade in a class, a job promotion or making a sports team. Face it when things get east they get boring. Facing challenges and overcoming them is what develops character. Whining, complaining, and blaming do nothing except annoy those around you and it doesn't get you anywhere.

Go back to my friend's question "are you a whiner, weiner or winner."  Be honest what has your attitude been lately?  Are you just getting by or are you making the most out of life? The good news is that if you are either a whiner or weiner, you can become a winner. It's as simple as saying no more excuses and making the decision to do whatever it takes to accomplish the things in life that you really want to.

As they say in the world series of poker then an only then are you truly " all in."

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