
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolutions are a recipe for failure

Well, the New Year is here and everyone is on their resolution kick. Weight loss is one of the biggest New Year's resolutions but sadly 97% of people who make these resolutions fail by February.

The weight loss industry has launched a huge campaign filled with rip off gadgets that claim you can be lazy ass and lose weight have hit the market with a storm. Check them out at this link

Come on are your serious? Can you sit on your ass and lose weight? Do you really believe it? If you do then WAKE UP. There are no magic pills gadgets or diets. It is hard work and discipline do not kid yourself!

The reason most of these resolutions fail is that people set these goals WITHOUT A PLAN.
If you were going on a driving vacation to California would you just get out and start driving? I don't think so unless you are a complete idiot or know how to get there. You would look at a map and plot a course.

This is exactly what most people don't do when it comes to exercise and nutrition. They do not plot a course. They shoot from the hip. Which gets them poor results resulting in giving into failure over and over.

You need to develop a workable plan that moves you towards your goals. How many times will you strength train, do cardio? How and what things do you need to be eating. When do you change your program up. How do I measure if the program is working. These questions must all be addressed in a complete plan. You also need someone to be accountable to as well. We generally do not do well being accountable to ourselves.

So for 2009 don't make resolutions. Instead make goals with action plans. If you have trouble with developing this get with your trainer. Ask for help? "I can do this on my own" doesn't work well. It's no different than having someone help you plan your finances, do your taxes or fix your car.

We are having a great seminar January 24th called "How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever" it will address steps and tools for being successful in 2009. Check out our special website where you can register at Come and listen to 5 speakers on fitness, health, and finances address topics that we all struggle with. It could be the kick in the butt you need.

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