
Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Does the change in seasons bring you down? Does lack of sunshine make you blue? Ready to hibernate ‘til spring? Here’s a few tips to help you beat those winter blues.

Let the sun in. The seasonal increase in darkness can have a negative effect on your mood. To fight this, open the blinds and window shades when you get up in the morning. Also, try to spend a little more time outdoors on sunny days, soaking up some sunshine rays can improve your mood.

Enjoy a winter sport. Find a winter sport you enjoy, and before you know it, you’ll be looking forward to the cold weather. Whether it’s skiing, skating, or snowshoeing, aerobic exercise boosts your endorphins to lift your mood.

Exercise. Aim for at least 3-4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. This can be an easy walk on the treadmill, extra laps around the mall, or even just up-and-down the stairs at work. Exercise helps your mind by releasing those ‘feel good chemicals’ that improve your mood.

Eat a Healthy Diet. What and when you eat has a great affect on your mood and energy. Avoid refined and processed foods (like white breads, white rice, and sugar). These foods are not only devoid of the nutrients your body craves, but they can zap your energy levels and can affect your mood. Try to incorporate more complex carbohydrates (whole wheat breads, brown rice, veggies, fruit) and drink plenty of water.

Treat yourself. Having something to look forward to can keep anyone motivated, even when winter seems endless. Plan something that’s exciting to you—a weekend trip, a day at the spa, a party, or special event. If you plan something exciting, your mood improves when you’re anticipating it and when the event actually comes.

Relax! You’re busy. Work, family, friends, appointments, meetings—even if you enjoy being busy, everyone needs some time off. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to extra opportunities. Try to spend a few minutes each day doing nothing. Read a book or magazine, sleep in on the weekend, go to bed early, try some meditations, or take a yoga class. Relaxation can alleviate stress and leave you with calm energy. Mental exercises and positive thinking can help keep depression at bay.

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