
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Four tips for back pain relief

One of the biggest complaints I get from many of my personal training
clients is back pain.

 Practically everyone has experienced it at one point or another.

That's why in today's article I'll show you a few quick and easy
 exercises that'll help ease the pain ... so you can enjoy the rest of
 the holiday season!.

 Back Pain? Find Relief With These 4 Simple Exercises

Did you know 8 out of 10 Americans experience back pain at one point
or another?

 Chances are you've experienced some type of back pain too.

 One of the keys to avoiding back pain -- and even reversing it -- is
 to stay healthy and exercise.

This strengthens the surrounding muscles that protect your back from

However, if you're already experiencing back pain, here are four quick
exercises you can do right now that will help ease it:

 Wall Squats -- Start by placing your back flat against a wall. Make
sure your heels are touching the wall. Now walk your feet about 12
 inches out in front of you. Keeping your abs tight, squat until your
 knees are at a 45-degree angle. Hold this position for 5 - 10 seconds.
Now straighten your knees and repeat for 10 more reps.

 Hip circles -- Place your feet shoulder width apart. Now place your
 hands on your hips. Rotate your hips clock wise 10 times (pretend
 you've got a hula hoop). Now go counter-clockwise 10 times.
 Repeat each side 2 more times.

.Torso twists -- Start with your feet shoulder- width apart. Keep  your arms hanging by your sides.
 Now swing your arms and torso to one side. As your arms swing around,
 let them pat your lower back gently. Now swing your torso and arms to
 the other side. Again, let the arms swing around until they pat your
 lower back. Repeat this 10 times for each side.

Single knee to chest -- Lie on your back.
Straighten your legs. Now while keeping your left leg straight, bring
your right knee towards your chest. Use your arms to help bring it as  close as you can. Hold for 5 seconds. Release and straighten out the right leg. Now keeping the right leg straight on the floor, bring the  left knee towards your chest, again using your arms to help out. Hold  for 5 seconds and release. Repeat this 10 times each side.

Follow these four simple exercises and back pain will soon be a thing  of the past.

 By the way -- did you know back pain can be avoided completely by
 staying fit and healthy?

1 comment:

Canada Drugs said...

Informative read about back pain,The complaint of back pain is among the very common medical problems.Back pain usually affects the lower back.There are several potential sources and causes of back pain.