
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 Steps To Go Where You Have Never Gone

No I'm not a Trekkie  but I want to talk about exploring new frontiers and the line from Star Trek

pops into my head. "Going where no man has gone"

Do you ever go somewhere that you have never gone before.

No I'm not talking about science fiction or Trekkie conventions.

I'm talking about your fitness program.

Is it refreshing and always evolving or stale like the beer after college frat party??

Are you finding your workouts are sporadic or

just plain boring. Do you go to the gym just to

go to the gym. What you are lacking is purpose.

Time to stop being a spectator and get

into the game of life.

Here is my step by step tips on how you can

get some purpose and focus back into your

work out and become a player versus a spectator.

1. Find a challenge that interests you or something

you have never done or attempted. A new frontier to try.

2. Make an announcement, post it on facebook

and let everyone know what you are

doing. Now your integrity is on the line either

see it through or spend countless hours explaining

why you didn’t, your choice.

3. Pay the entrance fee if there is one and register.

No backing out now.

4. Train and prepare with relentless focus,

enthusiasm and intensity.

5. Do the event or challenge and give 100% no

matter what the outcome.

6. Now give yourself a pat on the back for

setting a goal and seeing it through. Very few

people ever do this and will never know how

sweet the feeling is to see something through

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