
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The biggest enemy facing you

I've spent 15 years as a personal trainer and when it comes to people having success; whether it be weight loss or lifestyle changes, there is one enemy that consistently rears it's ugly head.

You probably know this enemy because you see it everyday. Have you figured it out? Who is the #1 person who will sabotage your efforts and set up the same old road blocks? THAT PERSON IS YOU. Yes, many times you are your own worst enemy.

We can be hard on themselves. We expect perfection out of ourselves and when we slip up or don't achieve our goals, we beat up on ourselves. The bottom line is none of us are perfect..... not even close.

Many people think that because I'm a trainer I never eat junk food and always feel like working out. The reality is, many times we trainers struggle as much or more than the average person. We tend to put pressure on ourselves to be role models for our clients. Sometimes when we spend time managing everyone else's programs our own routines suffer.

Making lifestyle changes can be looked at as a war with yourself. You will win many battles and lose some along the way,but if you keep trying you will be victorious in the end! So when you have a setback don't get down on yourself. Look at it as a learning experience. Maybe you went to a party without eating something first so when you got there you were starving and all the treats were too tempting to pass up. You could say next time "I am going to eat something healthy beforehand so I'm not hungry" and those temptations won't be as strong. Maybe you tend to skip exercise because by the time you get done with work you are too mentally and physically fatigued. The solution may be getting up earlier and getting done first thing.

My final point is that you have to believe in yourself. I often tell clients that if this stuff was easy for everyone that I wouldn't have a business. There is no shame in asking for help, either. We are all blessed with different strengths and attributes so we need to rely on each other. I might be good at exercise and eating right but really need accountability in other areas of my life such as finances and spirituality.

Remember in life nothing good comes easy and when it comes to taking care of yourself, remind yourself that "YOU ARE WORTH IT."

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