
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you buy what you sell??

Personal training has really taken on a new direction these days. It's becoming more focused on coaching instead of just administering workouts. I've seen my own career evolve over the past 15 years. Recently I saw a blog post by one of the coaching organizations I belong to. It was titled "do you buy what you sell" and it was geared at us trainers. The basic premise was that we as trainers are good at coaching others and we believe in our product which is essentially coaching but do we invest in coaching ourselves. This was a big time calling out of personal trainers.

I may be a good trainer but have struggled with owning my own business; definitely the biggest challenge of my life. I had invested in coaching programs before but they typically only lasted 6-8 weeks. The problem I was finding was that while I was making changes during the coaching class, a few months after it was done I would start reverting back to old bad habits. I decided to take a look in the mirror and honestly answer the question "As a coach, do I really believe in coaching?"

Well, I went to a mega training event for fitness business owners in Florida last weekend. There was nothing in the subject matter about being a trainer! It was solely about being a good business owner; a totally different type of event than I was used to.

As I sat and listened to some great presentations by people in my field, I started to realize that it was time. Time to step up and really ask for the help I need to take my business to the next level. I pulled the trigger and decided to commit to a major business coaching program and really focus on creating a more powerful business that can impact larger numbers of people and create full time jobs for trainers I bring on board. I had to admit that I can't do it on my own. I need help and there is no shame in that!

In life we are all given different attributes. Some of us are skilled at developing businesses and making them thrive. Others are better technicians, like myself. The fact is we all need to rely on each other. I often tell people who beat themselves up for not being disciplined enough to exercise on their own and eat right, "Look if everyone was good at this fitness and nutrition thing than I would not have a business."

The point is, I'm no different than the client who works with a trainer and gets results but goes on their own and starts slipping back to eating junk food and skipping workouts. I'm the same way - just in a different aspect. I admit some of my pride was keeping me from asking for more help in an area that still challenges me.

I've decided to get real with myself and get my own "trainer" for my business so I can get results just like my clients do and will quit spinning my wheels.
I really do "buy what I sell."
What are some areas you could currently be investing in? Maybe it is not exercise but maybe it's home repairs or finances. Whatever the case, I encourage you to take a look at the areas you are struggling in and ask for help. I bet it will feel like weight has been lifted off your chest. Let me know!

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