
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fix the flat!

I see many times people quit the first time they eat something bad or miss a workout when they are trying to lose weight, get in shape and make positive changes. Many times we think that we have to perfect when it comes to losing weight or getting in better shape.

This is simply not the case. Getting healthier is about being consistent not perfect! It's usually tow steps forward and one step back. If you were to move two steps forward and one step back everyday for a year you would be 365 steps ahead form when you started not at zero! My point is that there will be days you stress eat or overindulge but if the days you stick to your plan significantly outnumber the days you fall off than you will make tremendous progress. I've seen it happen many times with clients who keep pushing forward even when they have bad days or weeks.

I like mountain biking because the courses are very challenging and unpredictable. I liken the quest for better health and weight loss as very similar. If I was on a tough mountain bike course that I always wanted to do and i had a flat tire, I would not throw my bike in the woods and quit. Instead I would fix the flat tire and move on.

You should look at those days were you blow your eating or skip your exercise as flat tires. Figure out how you can fix your ""flats" and move on. Maybe it's moving your workouts to the morning when you have more energy and more free time or perhaps it's carrying snacks on you so you curb your appetite in the afternoon and avoid the overwhelming hunger that seems to come during dinner which causes you to overeat each night. Whatever it is you need to fix the problem and move and also forgive yourself because anything that is truly worth it is challenging and flat tires are part of the journey. Look at them as temporary setbacks and learn from them instead of beating yourself up and completely giving up.

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