
Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Bailout" Mentality With Fitness

Isn't it funny that right now in our country we are constantly talking about bailouts??
It seems every company that has made a bad business decision wants the government to bail them out. Just look at yesterday our top auto makers' CEOs flew in on their private jets to talk about how they are hurting and need money. Then why don't they fly coach if money is so tight??

I see this mentality as a snapshot of much of our country. We make decisions and then want someone to fix them when we get in a bind. It is no different with fitness and weight loss. People spend years and years eating poorly and sitting on their butts always making excuses why they can't exercise or eat right. They finally come to a point and decide to lose weight and get in shape but when they realize it takes work and time they get frustrated and look for something that will "bail" them out. Whether it's diet pills or the latest shitty diet or surgery they want to fix years of abuse and neglect on the body in a few weeks or months. They also many time think hiring a trainer guarantees them results.


Hiring a trainer only guarantees someone is going to draw you a road map to regaining your health and they are not going to do it for you. You will be with your trainer a few hours per week but what you do the rest of the time is completely up to you!! The trainer's job is to draw a good map it you job to follow it! You can't skip exercise sessions with your trainer or on your own and expect it is just going to magically happen. You also cannot eat healthy 50% of the time and expect your body to change. Last time I checked 50% on a report card was an "F" that means failing! You need to shout for 90% of the time making good nutrition choices that's how it is done!! That means the vast majority of what you eat is what you should be eating and it still allows for an occasional indulgence or slip up.

You have to realize you got yourself there and it is not the fault of your spouse, friends or George Bush. Take responsibility for getting yourself out of it. Recognize that trainers and other wellness professionals can help you but you need to do the work that they give you.

If you are consistent but not perfect you will see results!

I'm afraid we are getting into a mentality of passing the buck in this country and blaming others or circumstances for all our problems. It's not your age, not your kids fault, not your genetically slow metabolism quit kidding yourself and don't buy into this poisonous mindset. It will get you zero results. If you keep making excuses on why you can't do it or blaming others for your lack of success , you will continue to go where you've always gone and in the end no one is to blame but you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is another BRAVO! The older you are the more difficult getting into shape is. There is no magic anything to get you into shape. Unless you consider hard work magic. It takes time to undo all of the results of bad habits. I've found that taking measurements is less frustrating than being a "scale watcher". I've also found that drinking allot of water not only helps flush out toxins and fats it will improve your skin.
Remember....nothing good comes easy. Stick with your fitness plan and you WILL see results!
-Susan Peters