
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barack Obama The Most Fit President??

There was recently an article on Barack Obama in Men's Health where they interviewed about his notion that health and fitness can drive your success. Some of his opponents called him elitist claiming that the average guy doesn't have 90 minutes to spend in the gym and his response was
"I wish I had 90 minutes to spend in the gym" but stated he rotates 45 minutes of weight training one day with 45 minutes of cardio on the other six times per week. He does this in the morning before his hectic days begin.

I liked his response that opponents will always turn your strengths into weaknesses during a
campaign. Like him or not I think everyone would agree that Obama's days are very full dealing with the issues of running for president and now that he's elected , what he is going to do to deal with all of the issues our nation faces. His average day is probably best described as stressful to say the least.

So my question is why is it that so many people say "I have no time for exercise" use this excuse when someone who is running for office can find time daily to take care of their health? It really shoots down that excuse because really in my mind they are saying "it isn't a priority to take care of myself." I would venture to say that Barack's schedule is crazier than most of ours by a long shot.

He has no doubtingly had some great success in life and attributes being fit as a contributing factor. I wholeheartedly agree with that because I find that exercising in the morning is a good way to get your body going to face the challenging day ahead and also gives you an energy boost for the rest of the day. It also seems to clear your mind and give you more focus throughout the day. And let's not forget it's an outlet to the stress we all have in life. Without out some sort of outlet we can really become a basket cases!!

Personally, I had a hard choice voting for President and actually went with McCain at the end but one thing I do respect is what Obama has accomplished and the fact that he does seem like an intelligent and well-balanced human being. I know the power of being fit and attribute it to being able to function at a high level in my own life.

The final say I have to say is about leadership. I want whoever leads our country to be disciplined and focused and being fit encompasses both of these things in my mind. That is why I
feel good about our new president regardless of what others might say.

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