
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fighting Holiday Cravings

Every year people tend to get into a mindset of screw it around the holidays.
"I'm just going to gain weight and deal with it afterwards" they rationalize.
Then usually after the holidays they feel guilty. Media sources report that the
average weight gain around the holidays is 7 to 10 pounds. Now all of that probably is not
fat but water retention from eating foods high in salt and processed ingredients.

Well, what do we do? Do we say screw it and just accept this or do we do some damage control? Well, if you are already overweight studies show that you will gain twice as much weight as someone who is at a healthy weight. Thus putting yourself further in the hole.

"How can you then enjoy the holidays without going further in the hole?" Here are a few things I would recommend that I find can keep the weight gain minimized or even at zero.

1.)The weekend rule. Only eat treats on the weekend and stay solid Monday through Friday
2.)Pre-empt treats with a high fiber meal. If you know that you will probably be eating some treats eat something high in fiber before you indulge. This will keep your blood sugar from spiking (i.e.)eliminating cravings.

3.)Drink more water. Extra water can actually help flush out excess water retention. Also
distilled water really helps flush you out so you do not feel as bloated.

4.)Up you calorie burning. It takes 3500 excess calories to gain 1 pound of ugly fat. So if you
eat 500 in excess per day it would take you a week to gain 1 pound of fat. So if you can
add 10-15 minutes to your cardio sessions and increase your workout intensity you can cancel
this out. Kick your workouts up to match your increased caloric intake. Remember Michael
Phleps ate 12,000 calories per day and burned it all off. You can kind of do the same.
It will also give you an outlet for the stress that comes with the holidays as well!

5.)Try to eat a good breakfast consisting of whole foods and protein this will help manage blood
sugar for the rest of the day thus keeping your cravings down throughout the day making
it less tempting to grab for that cookie. An example would be an omelet with fresh fruit and
slow cooking oatmeal.
6.) The 5 day RESET- We have a kit that you can spend five days detoxing your system and re-stabilizing your blood sugar. It's a short detox but we have seen people lose an average of 5-10 pounds after doing this for 5 days. You could fit one of these in between thanksgiving and Christmas. Contact us at our website for more info on how this works.

To sum it up don't just wave the white flag and bloat up this holiday season and backslide. Get in the mindset of maintaining and not losing ground. Hopefully these tips can give you some ammo to fight the good fight of "the battle of the bulge".


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